
Ala tehdä tai ole tekemättä

Muistikirjan selailu jatkuu.
When you simply are not in the mood to tackle the project, remember: Once you start something related to the project, no matter how small that portion may be, you are no longer procrastinating.
Olipa armollinen pätkä. Pari sivua myöhemmin saman tapainen.
When faced with an apparently hopeless situation, take action, any action.
Tämä yläpuolella
Realize that it doesn't matter what happened to you of who did it to you, the only thing that matters is what you do about it.
Tough love -latteus, mutta totta silti. Sopivasti (tarkoituksella?) samalla sivulla on alimpana vielä tärkeämpi opastus:
Consider the wisdom of doing absolutely nothing!

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